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October 22, 2015

A Collection of 13 Odd and Strange Vintage Halloween Postcards

Apparently people had fetishes for pumpkin people. Check out these 13 odd and strange Halloween postcards from the past...

1. Wait, what exactly is going on here?

2. This pumpkin (yam?) man knows and likes where this is headed

3. A witch creepily looks in the window at the delicious children she is about to eat

4. The vision you’ll see from drinking too much absinthe on Halloween

5. Hold on, is this pumpkin man about to eat a pumpkin pie?

6. Wait is that a sad Klansman in the middle?

7. A pumpkin man leading kids to their death...

8. ...while another leads them by water

9. Apparently demons like to torture pumpkin people on their spare time

10. A dozen goblins looking to devour this little girl

11. Look this two freaky pumpkin headed sickos, making out inside the decapitated head of another one of their kind

12. Woman reunited with her man, right before being killed by the smoke-witch-monster

13. That cat is tripping at the sight he is seeing

(via BuzzFeed)


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