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June 4, 2024

30 Wonderful Color Photos Show Life of New York in the 1950s

New York City in the 1950s was a vibrant and dynamic metropolis undergoing significant change. Post-World War II prosperity fueled economic growth, leading to extensive construction and urban development.

The city became a cultural hub, with Broadway, jazz clubs, and emerging abstract expressionist art. Landmarks like the United Nations headquarters were built, symbolizing its global influence.

Despite facing challenges like racial segregation and housing shortages, New York maintained its status as a symbol of American progress and diversity.

These wonderful color photos from Dennis Johnson show what New York looked like during the 1950s.

New York City, 1950

New York Harbor from Statue of Liberty, June 1950

3rd Avenue elevated line and the Chrysler Building, seen from roughly 42nd Street, New York City, spring 1951

Betty, Doc, and Zizi outside the Booth Theater, Shubert Alley & 45th Street, New York City, November 1951

Rockefeller Center, New York City, August 1951

Theatrical billboards, New York City, spring 1951

Times Square, New York City, August 1951

Times Square, New York City, June 1951

Times Square, New York City, June 1951

Corner of Orchard and Houston, New York, March 1952

Ethel boarding a train for New York, March 1952

Rockefeller Center, New York City, 1952

Rockefeller Center, New York City, December 20, 1952

The Lustigs at the East River, New York City, June 1952

5th Avenue, New York City, circa 1953

Bedford Hills, New York, 1953

Macy's Parade, Columbus Circle, New York City, November 26, 1953

Macy's Parade, Columbus Circle, New York City, November 26, 1953

New York City, July 1953

The dock, New York City, 1953

4th Street at Sheridan Square, Greenwich Village, New York City, spring 1954

Times Square, New York City, October 1954

Times Square, New York City, September 1954

5th Avenue, New York City, Easter Sunday, April 10, 1955

Intersection of Broadway & Vesey at Greenwich, New York City, spring 1955

Looking north along Greenwich Street from Vesey Street, Lower Manhattan, New York City, spring 1955

Triangle Hardware, Intersection of Broadway & Vesey at Greenwich, New York City, spring 1955

Fairhaven, New York, December 1958

Greenwich Village, New York City, June 1958

Finger Lakes region, New York, October 1959


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