In October 1946, the New South Wales 100-mile Grand Prix motor race was run at Bathurst, attracting a field of 32 cars, including five from Victoria and two from Queensland. On the day, around 30,000 people turned out for the race which was won by AS Najar of Sydney, with JP Hind in second place and AV Johnson third. This was a spectacular win for the first-time entrant, who drove a modified standard touring model MG, with a specially built monoposto (single-seater) body, shaped to fit the driver.
The over-1500cc handicap was won by F Kleinig, driving a Hudson Special. WB Murray, also driving a Hudson Special, crossed the line in second place. The track took its toll on the cars, with five of the 15 starters retiring with engine trouble.
Apparently the race also marked the first time a female driver, Joan Richmond, competed in the event. She was behind the wheel of a Q-Type MG fitted with a super-charged engine. Unfortunately, there are no recorded photographs in this collection from
State Library of New South Wales.
John Crouch in a Delahaye 135 followed by Alby Johnson in a an MG TC, Grand Prix, Bathurst, October 1946 |
Alf Najar in an MG TB racing car, Grand Prix, Bathurst, October 1946 |
Alf Najar, Grand Prix winner at Bathurst, October 1946 |
Belf Jones in a Buick Special in front of Bill MacLachlan in a modified MG TA, Grand Prix, Bathurst, October 1946 |
Bill Conoulty and his Austin 7 Comet, Grand Prix, Bathurst, October 1946 |
Grand Prix, Bathurst, October 1946 |
Jack Murray driving his Bugatti Ford racing car, Grand Prix, Bathurst, October 1946 |
Keeping score, Grand Prix, Bathurst, October 1946 |
No. 2. John Crouch with his Delahaye 135 racing car, Grand Prix, Bathurst, October 1946 |
No. 8, Alec Mildren in His Ford V8 Special, cornering next to Jack Nind in his MG TB Special, Grand Prix, Bathurst, October 1946 |
No. 9, Bill Murray in his Hudson Special, racing car, Grand Prix, Bathurst, October 1946 |
No. 21, Alf Najar next to No. 22, Jack Nind, Grand Prix, Bathurst, October 1946 |
Ron Ewing, Buick Special racing car, Grand Prix, Bathurst, October 1946 |
Spectators on the hill, Grand Prix, Bathurst, October 1946 |
Ted Gray in his Alfa Romeo Ford in front of Frank Kleinig in a Hudson Eight Special, Grand Prix Bathurst, October 1946 |
Warning flag, Grand Prix, Bathurst, October 1946 |
Working on Frank Kleinig's Hudson Eight Special, Grand Prix, Bathurst, October 1946 |
Working on racing cars, Frank Kleinig's No. 1 Hudson Eight Special in the foreground, Grand Prix, Bathurst, October 1946 |
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