A match is a tool for starting a fire. Typically, matches are made of small wooden sticks or stiff paper. One end is coated with a material that can be ignited by friction generated by striking the match against a suitable surface.
Czechoslovak matchbox labels in 1959 |
Wooden matches are packaged in matchboxes, and paper matches are partially cut into rows and stapled into matchbooks. The coated end of a match, known as the match “head”, consists of a bead of active ingredients and binder, often colored for easier inspection.
There are two main types of matches: safety matches, which can be struck only against a specially prepared surface, and strike-anywhere matches, for which any suitably frictional surface can be used. Because of the substance used to coat each match, this makes them non-biodegradable.
Historically, the term match referred to lengths of cord (later cambric) impregnated with chemicals, and allowed to burn continuously. These were used to light fires and fire guns and cannons. The word ‘match’ derives from Old French ‘mèche’, referring to the wick of a candle.
Here below is a vintage photo collection that shows Czechoslovak matchbox labels in 1959.
1.2 million to build, a task for us all, 1959 |
A healthy refreshment, 1959 |
A young nurse for every scout camp, 1959 |
Alcoholism destroys society, 1959 |
Brushes for clothing, 1959 |
Can you help with construction?, 1959 |
Can you help with construction?, 1959 |
Come! Build!, 1959 |
Discipline on the roads means empty hospital beds, 1959 |
Don't ride side by side, 1959 |
Efficient lighting for your flat, 1959 |
First aid for remote places, 1959 |
Healthy refreshment, 1959 |
Help the miners, come to build, 1959 |
Housing is the responsibility of the whole nation, 1959 |
Housing is the responsibility of the whole nation, 1959 |
International Cooperative Day, 1959 |
Klement Gottwald's steelworks, steel heart of the Republic, 1959 |
Liquid fruit, 1959 |
National retail trade, 1959 |
National retail trade, 1959 |
National retail trade, 1959 |
National retail trade, 1959 |
National retail trade, 1959 |
National retail trade, 1959 |
New schools for children, 1959 |
New schools for children, 1959 |
Ostrava is calling young people to help build mines, 1959 |
Parents, help build schools!, 1959 |
Play safe!, 1959 |
Respiratory exams catch TB early, 1959 |
Shaving brushes, 1959 |
Skoda 1859-1959, 1959 |
Skoda 1859-1959, 1959 |
Skoda 1859-1959, 1959 |
Skoda 1859-1959, 1959 |
Skoda 1859-1959, 1959 |
Spring cleaning restores your environment, 1959 |
Spring cleaning restores your environment, 1959 |
Syrups are refreshing, 1959 |
The old and sick need volunteer nurses, 1959 |
Trades for boys - chimney sweep, 1959 |
Trades for boys - shoemaker, 1959 |
With new flats, new schools, 1959 |
Young builders, Ostrava is calling you!, 1959 |
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