In Victorian era, it was very difficult to keep perishable food fresh. People in the Victorian period would go shopping everyday and bought small amounts of groceries.
There were no supermarkets in the 19th century, but little stores of different kinds. The Victorian stores opened six days a week and would stay open in the evening until the last customer left.
Poor people would often buy from street vendors as there were cheaper than the stores. They would often buy from markets or street sellers as these were cheaper than shops.
Take a look at these amazing vintage photos to see what stores of the United States looked like in the 19th century.
Exterior of Hardie & Darling store and auctioneer store, circa 1860s-1870s |
Exterior of J.S. Lytle & Son's horse furnishing goods store, circa 1870s-1880s |
People outside of general store, New York, circa 1870s |
People outside of tinware store, New York, circa 1870s |
Three women outside general store, circa 1870s |
Exterior of F.W. Eaton & Co. Hay, Grain, & Coal store, circa 1880s |
Interior of James Heaney's grocery store, circa 1880s |
Man and woman outside tobacconist shop, circa 1880s |
Man outside dress and cloak making shop, Gloversville, New York, circa 1880s |
Men and boys outside Adam Wachter's Meat Market, circa 1880s |
People outside grocery store, Washington St., Boston, MA, circa 1880s |
People outside Locher's Drug Store, Philadelphia, PA, circa 1880s |
Three men outside of F.W. Eaton & Co. Hay, Grain, & Coal store, circa 1880s |
Two men outside corner general store, circa 1880s |
Two men outside grocery store, circa 1880s |
Two men outside grocery store, circa 1880s |
Two men outside storefront, 2336 Broadway, New York, circa 1880s |
Two women outside store selling Horton's ice cream, 352 Pleasant St., New York, circa 1880s |
Butcher standing outside Otto Hoffmann Adirondack Market, circa 1890s |
Exterior of tinware store, Boston, MA, circa 1890s |
Interior of a shoe store, circa 1890s |
Interior of hardware store, circa 1890s |
Interior of Herman Lemp's jewelry and watch store, circa 1890s |
Man standing outside Working People's Bargain Store, New York, circa 1890s |
People outside Adam Wachter's Meat Market, New York, circa 1880s |
People outside grocery store, circa 1890s |
Three men at counter of grocery store, circa 1890s |
Two men outside haberdashery, circa 1890s |
Amazing photos. Interesting that despite so many years, the interiors of small local stores look similar and so familiar.