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November 11, 2021

Amazing Photos of American Houses Around 1900

In 1900, for instance, a typical American new home contained 700 to 1,200 square feet of living space, including two or three bedrooms and one or (just about as likely) no bathrooms. It was probably a two-story floor plan.

At the turn of the 20th Century, more than 20 percent of the U.S. population lived in crowded units, with entire families often sharing one or two rooms. Most homes were small, rural farmhouses and lacked many basic amenities, complete plumbing and central heating chief among them.

A set of amazing photos from paws22 that shows what American houses looked like in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Burton family with sod house, Bartley, Nebraska

Barn and horseman

Big brick house

Country cottage with family

Eaton homestead, Tacoma, Virginia

Eck farm, Bloomfield, Knox County, Nebraska

Family and home

Family on porch

Fancy house in Hickman, Nebraska.

Fancy house in Hickman, Nebraska

Fancy house, Hastings, Nebraska

Fancy Victorian house, Hickman, Nebraska

Farm family

Farm house at Chadron, Nebraska

Farm house

Grandpa Cosberg's house

Grapotte's Kill Kare chaunmout

Log cabin in Nebraska

Log cabin in Nebraska

Man with kids, horse and home

Mars, West Virginia

Mrs. Ballard's house, Timpson, Texas

New England Colonial

Old Hoge homestead, Hoge family of Tacoma, Virginia

Old homestead

Old house

Paul McKinney, Mark Finisy and horse

Rural house

Rural house

Rural house

Rural house

Stone American 4 square house

The ranch

Thompson farm in Barron, Wisconsin

Wisconsin homestead


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