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November 1, 2020

Mickey Mouse Driving Personalized Car, 1933

Thousands of people in all parts of the world laugh and enjoy the antics of Mickey Mouse, the star of stars, but few know the painstaking and intricate work necessary in the making of the popular film. Scores of artists and sound experts work in the Mickey Mouse Studio just outside of Los Angeles, making thousands of drawings and sound accompaniments under the direction of Walt Disney, creator of Mickey. Here is Mickey at the wheel of his own car, bearing his personal coat of arms, at the studio.

(Bettmann/Getty Images)

Here’s another rare photograph of Walt Disney posing in the driveway of the Hyperion Avenue studio with performer Toots Novelle costumed as Mickey sitting on top of the Austin 7:

(Walt Disney Archives)

By 1930 it was obvious that the popularity of Mickey Mouse was only growing. As the studio met with great success Disney continued to upgrade the production value of the animation and introduce greater complexity and attention to detail. Watching these shorts now it’s easy to track the progress made from year to year, or even month to month, as the artists at the studio developed their skill and technical prowess.


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