Bring back some good or bad memories


December 26, 2016

People Having More Fun on New Year's Eve Than We Do!

So what are you doing New Year's Eve? Watching the ball drop from the comfort of your sofa because you just didn't get invited to a good party? Well, take a step back in time, when they really knew how to whoop it up.

New Year's Eve revelers at the Piccadilly Hotel in London.

A United States Navy man on leave from his ship lifts an elbow and drinks a toast with his girlfriend to peace and more lasting reunions in the new year in 1941.

Champagne and pretty girls, carnival hats and confetti – the setting that a soldier or a sailor likes for his merry-making. the showgirls went all-out to make the boys feel at home. New York, December 1941.

The New Year to came to the Bowery in 1936 to be greeted by a toast from these downtown folks.

Two women try hard, but cannot seem to cheer up Jerry Therrien, bartender at the Copacobana in 1946.

Somewhere in Southern California, 1933.

New Year's Eve party, ca. 1940s.

Woman celebrating with room full of balloons.

Jane Wyman, ca. 1950s.

Rita Hayworth, New Year’s 1941.


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