European exploration and settlement of inland Australia depended heavily on the expertise of Muslim cameleers from Afghanistan and British India. During the late 19th century their network of transport routes opened up the arid interior, and they were often seen working through the interior parts of Queensland. The women in the Queensland outback looked forward to a visit from the Afghan camelleers and hawkers. They brought news, haberdashery and household items.
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Group of Afghani men in national dress |
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Camel driver and a caravan of camels returning home |
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Afghan cameleer escorts Mrs Walter Lawrence Silver on the wallaby track, ca. 1904 |
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Afghan Emeute at Richmond, ca. 1907 |
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Afghan Emeute at Richmond, ca. 1907 |
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Camel team coming over to Birdsville led by the camel driver, ca. 1926 |
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Camel train of the Afghan hawker, Amedulah Khan, ca. 1901 |
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Woman and child on a camel in the Hughenden district |
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Camels and their Afghan drivers loaded with goods for the treck between Bourke and Cunnamulla, ca. 1895 |
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Unloading the camel team in front of the store at Boulia, ca. 1895 |
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Horse and camel team, Cloncurry, ca. 1904 |
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Petti Khan's camel at Canobie Station, ca. 1895 |
State Library of Queensland, Australia)
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