A man checks his e-mail over a public pay telephone using a Panasonic RL-P4001 Acoustic Coupler dial-up modem attached to a Panasonic RL-H1400 HHC (Hand-Held Computer) in the early 1980s. The Panasonic RL-H1400 was a hand held computer that was first introduced in 1982 and was priced around $600.
The Panasonic HHCTM represents an unexpected breakthrough in technology—a cost-effective personal computer that fits in the palm of your hand! This innovative device features a self-instructing multiple-choice menu system for quick program access, a self-defining function key system for customization, and a self-assignable keyboard for mastering complex programs with ease.
Key Features:
- Utilize your home TV screen as a display unit.- Print materials generated by your Hand Held Computer.- Connect your HHC to regional and national computer information banks via telephone, accessing extensive libraries and up-to-the-minute information.- Expand your computer's memory using additional memory storage attachments.- Benefit from an electronic teacher for high-speed reading, spelling, vocabulary building, computer programming, memory improvement, and more.- Enjoy a programmable scientific calculator.- Perform word processing, advanced editing, and filing.- Access guides for tax information, diet programs, and more.- Challenge electronic opponents to chess, checkers, and various other games.- Access BASIC and SNAP computer languages for creating your own programs.- Store addresses, phone numbers, instructions, notes, business or scientific definitions, technical tables, formulas, calorie counters, personal records, prices, recipes, tax and financial records, or any data you need to recall instantly.- Utilize a Clock/Controller to manage your schedule for days, weeks, or even years in advance.
I remember these, but never used one. As a programmer in the 1980s, I visited local clients in person and used 'modern' 1200 and 2400 baud modems to support foreign and out of state clients. In those days a lot of acoustic couplers were stored in computer rooms where they gathered dust.