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December 24, 2024

30 Vintage Ad Posters of Toiletries in the Early 20th Century

Advertising for toiletries in the early 20th century was a fascinating blend of emerging mass media, evolving social norms, and the development of consumer culture. They often featured ornate, eye-catching designs influenced by Art Nouveau, with flowing lines and stylized images of women surrounded by nature. These ads emphasized purity, luxury, and hygiene.

Brands like soaps, perfumes, and toothpaste promoted cleanliness and beauty through elegant visuals and catchy slogans. In the 1910s and 1920s, the focus shifted more to health and personal care, with products marketed as essential for good hygiene and well-being.

Here below is a set of vintage posters that shows toiletry advertisements from the early 20th century.

Arrículos de tocador Luxor, Fray Mocho magazine, circa 1900s

Aurich Glycerin Soap, circa 1900s

Ayer's Hair Vigor for the Toilet, circa 1900s

Tualyetnoye Myilo, A. M. Zhukov, St. Petersburg (Ad for Zhukov toilet soap), circa 1900s

Alaiska, Crème-Toilette-Puder, R. Lindner, Wien, 1902

Sunlight-Seife ist Reinheit, Frische, Sparsamkeit, (Sunlight Soap is Purity, Freshness, Economy), circa 1905

Jabón Heno de Pravia, 1916

Lisa Haar und Toilettewasser, circa 1919

Savon de Toilette, Plantol pour le Teint, 1919

Bourjois Java Face Powder for Youth, Beauty, Charm, circa 1920s

Bourjois Java Face Powder, Adorably French, circa 1920s

Kofler Prodotti Igienici per Toilette, Padova, circa 1920s

Perfume, Toilet Water, 1920

Perfumes de Myrurgia, circa 1920s

Vivaudou Mavis, Ladies' Home Journal, March 1920

Vivaudou, Mavis, Irresistible, Ladies' Home Journal, September 1920

Vivaudou, Mavis, Irresistible!, Ladies' Home Journal, August 1920

Vivaudou, Mavis, Irresistible!, Ladies' Home Journal, Jananuary 1920

Vivaudou, Mavis, Ladies' Home Journal, June 1920

Advertising for Djer-Kiss, 1921

Djer-Kiss Talc, 1921

Cashmere Bouquet Toilet Soap, 1922

Vivaudous’s Mavis Toilet Preparations, 1923

Bal du Corset, 1925

Djer-Kiss Toiletries, Photoplay, December 1926

Le Poudre Gemey, circa 1930

Savon SHYB, 1930

Lux Toilet Soap, pour mon teint, 1934

Herb 'Horn Cream, Grasse, Paris, London, circa 1930s

Holländerin Muttermilch-Seife, Günther & Haussner, circa 1930s


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