World War I posters are fascinating artifacts of history, reflecting the political, social, and cultural climate of the time. They were used for a variety of purposes, including recruitment, war bonds, and promoting national unity.
The imagery and messages in these posters were designed to be bold and memorable, often employing dramatic colors, striking graphics, and powerful slogans to capture attention and convey their message effectively.
Here below is a set of impressive posters during World War I.
"Mobilmach", Das Plakat, November 1914 |
Cacciali Via!, 1914 |
Az Erdekes Ujság És a Kis Erdeckes, 1915 |
Kamerad! La Baïonnette, 1915 |
The Trumpet Calls, circa 1915 |
Women of Britain say, "Go!", May 1915 |
Help Stop This, circa 1916 |
Comité Americain pour les Régions Dévastées de France, 1917 |
Fate tutti il vostro dovere! Le sottoscrizioni al prestito si ricevono presso il Credito Italiano, 1917 |
Jewish War Sufferers, Shall They Plead in Vain?, circa 1917 |
Per la liberazione sottoscrivete, 1917 |
Prestito della Liberazione, 1917 |
Share, Jewish Relief Campaign, 1917 |
Treat ’em rough – Join the tanks United States Tank Corps., 1917 |
Wake up America!, 1917 |
You are Wanted by U.S. Army, circa 1917 |
Zeichnet 7. Oesterr. Kriegsanleihe, Anmeldungen nimmt die, circa 1917 |
Bei Deutschland dauernder Wohlstand, Bei Polen Armut und Auswanderung, circa 1918 |
Et Lui? Aidez-Nous a lui trouver du travail, 1918 |
Hello, This is Liberty Speaking, September 19, 1918 |
Help Deliver the Goods, Do it Now, circa 1918 |
In Memoriam, 1914-1918 |
La Pace (“German Peace”), 1918 |
Marine-Schauspiel, Wien, 1918 |
Opfertag (Sacrifice), 1918 |
The Greatest Mother in the World, 1918 |
Uboote Heraus!, 1918 |
Un dernier effort et on l'aura, circa 1918 |
Union-Bank, 8. Kriegsanleihe durch Sieg zum Frieden, 1918 |
Your Motherland Will Never Forget, circa 1918 |
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