The life of the cultural icon may have been laced with mystery but in an interview with Pageant magazine in September, 1952 entitled “How I Stay in Shape,” Marilyn Monroe revealed some of her self-described “bizarre” eating habits. Her morning breakfast routine: a glass of warm milk with two raw eggs beaten into it. This was followed by a multi-vitamin. “I doubt if any doctor could recommend a more nourishing breakfast for a working girl in a hurry,” Marilyn said of what is, nowadays, considered an uncommon breakfast.
A girl can’t survive just on raw eggs and milk. So what else did Marilyn eat to nourish her curves? Her daily diet was very meat centric. Lunch and dinner usually involved some type of animal protein with a side of vegetables. Her favorite? A grilled steak.
Was Marilyn was a goddess in the kitchen as she was on the big screen? We’ll never truly know. But she did enjoy cooking. Here’s what she told Pageant: “My dinners at home are startlingly simple. Every night I stop at the market near my hotel and pick up a steak, lamb chops or some liver, which I broil in the electric oven in my room. I usually eat four or five raw carrots with my meat, and that is all. I must be part rabbit; I never get bored with raw carrots.”
In that interview, Marilyn admitted that her protein-rich diet is what kept her in shape, especially because she occasionally treated herself to an ice cream sundae after attending evening drama classes. “It’s a good thing, I suppose, that I eat simply during the day, for in recent months I have developed the habit of stopping off at Wil Wright’s ice cream parlor for a hot fudge sundae on my way home from my evening drama classes. I’m sure that I couldn’t allow myself this indulgence were it not that my normal diet is composed almost totally of protein foods.”
The article “How I Stay in Shape” by Marilyn Monroe on Pageant magazine in September, 1952. |
(via Fine Dining Lovers)
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