Albert Hahn (1877–1918) was a Dutch political cartoonist, caricaturist, poster artist and book cover designer; well known for his socialist and antimilitaristic viewpoints. Some of his drawings, especially those of the railroad strikes of 1903, have been regularly used in history textbooks. His adopted son, Albert Hahn jr., was also an artist, so he is sometimes referred to as “Sr.”.
After the beginning of World War I, his works dealt almost exclusively with denouncing the needless death and destruction. He died in 1918, just before the end of the war. Over his career, he produced more than 4,000 drawings. A major retrospective of his work was held at the Nederlands Persmuseum in 2000.
Here below is a set of amazing posters illustrated by Albert Hahn in the early 20th century.
Algemeene Verzeekering-Maatschappij Providentia, circa 1910s |
Teekent het Volkspetitionnement voor Algemeen Kiesrecht, 1911 |
De kroeg gesloten!, 1913 |
Koloniale Tentoonstelling, Semarang, 1914 |
Philips Arga, circa 1917 |
Stemt Rood! Kiest de Kandidaten der Soc. Dem. Arb. Partij, 1918 |
Teekent het Joodsche Volkspetitionement, circa 1918 |
Voorwaarts! Naar Betere Tijden, circa 1920 |
Den nieuwen dag tegemoet! S.D.A.P., 1921 |
N.V.V.-S.D.A.P. Ondanks alle reactie, Voorwaarts!, 1921 |
Zingend Vooraan! Bond van Arbeiders Zangvereenigingen, 1921 |
S.D.A.P. Verkiezing Provinciale Staten Lijst 3, 1922 |
Weg met de Vlootwet!!!, 1923 |
Chauffeurs Geeft Het Juiste Teeken, circa 1925 |
Hand- en hoofdarbeiders Waakt! Sluit U aan bij de Moderne Vakbeweging!, 1925 |
I Mei, Arbeidersfeestdag S.D.A.P. Bestuurdersbond, 1925 |
Vacantiekinderfeest, circa 1925 |
Alcoholgebruik Vermeerdert de Kans op Ongevallen, 1926 |
Dat Komt Ervan als de Nooddeur Versperd Is!, 1926 |
Sportslui! Weg met den alcohol, 1928 |
Transportarbeiders. Zoo moet het worden!, 1928 |
S.D.A.P. eischt staatspensioen, 1929 |
Arbeiders/sters in de Kleedingindustrie, zoo wankel is uw Positie!, circa 1920s |
Transportarbeiders Allen tezamen, Een macht!, circa 1920s |
Interesting posters/artwork. I like this kind of art.