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May 6, 2024

30 Fascinating Photos Capture Street Scenes of Berlin in the Early 1970s

In the early 1970s, Berlin was a city marked by its division. The Berlin Wall, constructed in 1961, divided the city into East and West Berlin. It was a time of political tension, cultural experimentation, and social change.

West Berlin, despite being surrounded by East Germany, had a vibrant cultural scene, with bustling streets, vibrant nightlife, and a thriving arts community. The cityscape included a mix of modern buildings and historic architecture, with landmarks such as the Brandenburg Gate and the Reichstag Building.

However, the presence of the Wall served as a constant reminder of the Cold War tensions between East and West. These fascinating photos were taken by Robert Rynerson that show street scenes of Berlin in 1970 and 1971.

Berlin - Above a new Bus Rapid Transit station for Line 84 on the Stadtautobahn

Berlin - Along the Landwehr Canal

Berlin - Bus lane

Berlin - Gõrlitzer Bahnhof was redundant due to its location in the American Sector, serving a line that went to Poland via the city of Gõrlitz in East Germany

Berlin - Gõrlitzer Bahnhof was redundant due to its location, but in the dense, low-income Kreuzberg district its Bahnhofsvorplatz was a useful green space

Berlin - Grüntaler Strasse ended at the Wall

Berlin - Intersection of Kadettenweg and Baselerstrasse

Berlin - Kaiser-Wilhelm-Memorial Church

Berlin - Kneipe (pub) across the street from Wollankstrasse S-Bahn station

Berlin - Kreuzberg

Berlin - Landwehr Canal - Stadtbahn crosses locks in the Tiergarten

Berlin - On the Krumme Lanke U-Bahn line

Berlin - Onkel Toms Hütte

Berlin - Onkel Toms Hütte

Berlin - Onkel Toms Hütte

Berlin - Onkel Toms Hütte

Berlin - Onkel Toms Hütte

Berlin - Rotes Rathaus

Berlin - S-Bahn on the Wannseebahn

Berlin - S-Bahn on the Wannseebahn

Berlin - Steam-powered interzone train waits at Zoo Station for departure to Friedrichstrasse

Berlin - Traffic at the main PX on Clayallee

Berlin - U-Bahn rises above Potsdamerstrasse on the line from Krumme Lanke to Gleisdreieck

Berlin - U.S. headquarters on Clayallee

Berlin - U.S. headquarters on Clayallee

Berlin - U.S. headquarters on Clayallee

Berlin - Winter day. The PX parking lot across from U.S. headquarters. Seen from the Army shuttle bus station

Berlin - Wollankstrasse S-Bahn station, located in East Berlin on/in the Wall, serving West Berlin passengers.

Berlin - Wollankstrasse S-Bahn station, located in East Berlin on/in the Wall, serving West Berlin passengers

Berlin - Zoo Station - Bahnhof Zoo


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