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March 24, 2024

Amazing Posters Designed by Duilio Cambellotti in the Early 20th Century

Duilio Cambellotti (1876–1960) was an Italian applied artist, illustrator, painter, sculptor and designer who played a role in the Arts & Crafts and Art Nouveau movements, and whose influence was social and political as well as aesthetic and artistic. He is recognized for his versatility across a spectrum of visual and design disciplines, and for his fidelity to agrarian themes.

Posters designed by Duilio Cambellotti in the early 20th century

Throughout his career, Cambellotti was aware of the social significance of decoration and, influenced by William Morris, he became a leading figure among artists who were intellectually and aesthetically trying maintain a connection with the organic immediacy of style found in traditional handmade objects and in traditional pictorial coherence, as opposed to the slick surfaces and machine-like images inspired by the Industrial Era.

Here below is a set of amazing posters designed by Duilio Cambellotti in the early 20th century.

Fine di Secolo, Acqua Progressiva Insuperabile, circa 1900

"The Suppressed Contrade", 1907

"Pons Sublicius", 1910-11

Rome 1911, Exposition Internationale, 1911

"Storia di Aladino e della lampada magica" from The Arabian Nights, circa 1912

"Storia di Ali Baba", Illustration from The Arabian Nights, 1912

Illustration for The Arabian Nights, "The Story of the Fisherman", circa 1912

La storia del principe Amed e della Fata Peri-Banu, 1912

La storia del secondo Calender, Le mille e una notte, 1912

Storia del Cavallo Incantato (maquette), circa 1912

Illustration for "Mille et une nuits", 1913

Comune di Firenze, Premio di 2º Grado, I racconti della foresta e del mare, circa 1915

Teatro Greco di Siracusa, Istituto Nazionale del Dramma Antico, 1918

Dante, circa 1920

Teatro Greco di Siracursa, "Coefore" di Eschilo, 1921

Teatro Greco di Siracusa, Baccanti di Euripide, 1922

I Sette a Tebe, Antigone, 1924

Primavera Siciliana, 1927

Primera Classica nei Templi di Agrigento, May 1928

Spettacoli Classici al Teatro Romano di Ostia, circa 1928

Le Contrade, L'Aquila, 1932

Nobile Contrada del Nicchio I, 1932

Cambellotti Rappresentazioni Classiche, Teatro Greco di Siracusa, 1933

La storia delle tre sorelle, circa 1933

Teatro Romano d'Ostia, Istituto Nazionale del Dramma Antico, June 1938

Teatro Greco di Siracusa, 1939


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