Duilio Cambellotti (1876–1960) was an Italian applied artist, illustrator, painter, sculptor and designer who played a role in the Arts & Crafts and Art Nouveau movements, and whose influence was social and political as well as aesthetic and artistic. He is recognized for his versatility across a spectrum of visual and design disciplines, and for his fidelity to agrarian themes.
Posters designed by Duilio Cambellotti in the early 20th century |
Throughout his career, Cambellotti was aware of the social significance of decoration and, influenced by William Morris, he became a leading figure among artists who were intellectually and aesthetically trying maintain a connection with the organic immediacy of style found in traditional handmade objects and in traditional pictorial coherence, as opposed to the slick surfaces and machine-like images inspired by the Industrial Era.
Here below is a set of amazing posters designed by Duilio Cambellotti in the early 20th century.
Fine di Secolo, Acqua Progressiva Insuperabile, circa 1900 |
"The Suppressed Contrade", 1907 |
"Pons Sublicius", 1910-11 |
Rome 1911, Exposition Internationale, 1911 |
"Storia di Aladino e della lampada magica" from The Arabian Nights, circa 1912 |
"Storia di Ali Baba", Illustration from The Arabian Nights, 1912 |
Illustration for The Arabian Nights, "The Story of the Fisherman", circa 1912 |
La storia del principe Amed e della Fata Peri-Banu, 1912 |
La storia del secondo Calender, Le mille e una notte, 1912 |
Storia del Cavallo Incantato (maquette), circa 1912 |
Illustration for "Mille et une nuits", 1913 |
Comune di Firenze, Premio di 2º Grado, I racconti della foresta e del mare, circa 1915 |
Teatro Greco di Siracusa, Istituto Nazionale del Dramma Antico, 1918 |
Dante, circa 1920 |
Teatro Greco di Siracursa, "Coefore" di Eschilo, 1921 |
Teatro Greco di Siracusa, Baccanti di Euripide, 1922 |
I Sette a Tebe, Antigone, 1924 |
Primavera Siciliana, 1927 |
Primera Classica nei Templi di Agrigento, May 1928 |
Spettacoli Classici al Teatro Romano di Ostia, circa 1928 |
Le Contrade, L'Aquila, 1932 |
Nobile Contrada del Nicchio I, 1932 |
Cambellotti Rappresentazioni Classiche, Teatro Greco di Siracusa, 1933 |
La storia delle tre sorelle, circa 1933 |
Teatro Romano d'Ostia, Istituto Nazionale del Dramma Antico, June 1938 |
Teatro Greco di Siracusa, 1939 |
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