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December 11, 2023

Italy in the 1970s Through Wonderful Photos

Although the 1970s in Italy was marked by violence, it was also a time of great social and economic progress. Following the civil disturbances of the 1960s, Christian Democracy and its allies in government (including the PSI) introduced a wide range of political, social, and economic reforms.

Regional governments were introduced in the spring of 1970, with elected councils provided with the authority to legislate in areas like public works, town planning, social welfare, and health. Spending on the relatively poor South was significantly increased, while new laws relating to index-linked pay, public housing, and pension provision were also passed. In 1975, a law was passed entitling redundant workers to receive at least 80% of their previous salary for up to a year from a state insurance fund.

Living standards also continued to rise, with wages going up by an average of about 25% a year from the early 1970s onwards, and between 1969 and 1978, average real wages rose by 72%. Various fringe benefits were raised to the extent that they amounted to an additional 50% to 60% on wages, the highest in any country in the Western world. In addition, working hours were reduced so that by the end of the decade they were lower than any other country apart from Belgium. Some categories of workers who were laid off received generous unemployment compensation which represented only a little less than full wages, often years beyond eligibility.

Initially, these benefits were primarily enjoyed by industrial workers in northern Italy where the “Hot Autumn” had its greatest impact, but these benefits soon spread to other categories of workers in other areas. In 1975, the escalator clause was strengthened in wage contracts, providing a high proportion of workers with nearly 100% indexation, with quarterly revisions, thereby increasing wages nearly as fast as prices.

These wonderful photos were taken by wilford peloquin that show what Italy looked like in the 1970s.

Naples. Side street, Italy, March 1972

Naples. Piazza Trento - Trieste, Italy, March 1972

Naples. Alleyway, Italy, March 1972

Naples. Alleyway, Italy, March 1972

Naples. Pozzuoli, Italy, March 1972

Naples. Street market, Italy, March 1972

Naples. Street market, Italy, March 1972

Naples. Street stall, Italy, March 1972

Florence, Italy, August 1975

Florence. Duomo, Italy, August 1975

Florence. Ponte Vechio, Italy, August, 1975

Pisa, Italy, August 1975

Pisa, Italy, August 1975

Pisa. Duomo, Italy, August 1975

Venice, Italy, August 1975

Venice, Italy, August 1975

Venice, Italy, August 1975

Venice, Italy, August 1975

Venice, Italy, August 1975

Venice, Italy, August 1975

Venice, Italy, August 1975

Venice, Italy, August 1975

Venice, Italy, August 1975

Venice. Piazza San Marco, Italy, August 1975

Ventimiglia, Italy, August 1975

Ventimiglia, Italy, August 1975

Ventimiglia, Italy, August 1975

Ventimiglia, Italy, August 1975

Ventimiglia, Italy, August 1975

Ventimiglia, Italy, August 1975

Ventimiglia, Italy, August 1975

Ventimiglia, Italy, August 1975

Ventimiglia, Italy, August 1975

Ventimiglia, Italy, August 1975

Rome, Italy, January 1978

Rome, Italy, January 1978

Rome, Italy, January 1978

Rome, Italy, January 1978

Rome, Italy, January 1978

Rome, Italy, January 1978

Rome, Italy, January 1978

Rome, Italy, January 1978

Rome, Italy, January 1978

Rome, Italy, January 1978

Rome, Italy, January 1978


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