Some of these old ads are sickening... Hell in 1955 she might have BUILT the damn thing...
WHEN YOUR TV PICTURE “ACTS UP”Here’s one thing a woman can do about TV repairsFine quality tubes are essential for the best and clearest TV pictures and sound. However, just as your electric light bulbs wear out… TV and Radio tubes gradually lose their strength and need to be replaced.So here’s one way to be sure they are replaced with fine quality tubes. Just ask your serviceman for CBS tubes. There are no better tubes made… and CBS tubes have the Good Housekeeping Guaranty Seal.Ask to see the cartons.Whether it is a big picture tube, or the small tubes in your TV set Or Radio… be sure the replacement tube comes from a CBS carton with the Good Housekeeping Guaranty Seal.CBS TUBES have this sealCBS-HYTRON, Danvers, MassachusettsA DIVISION OF COLUMBIA BROADCASTING SYSTEM, INC.
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