Edie was a socialite and model who moved to New York in 1964, shortly after receiving an $80,000 trust fund. from her maternal grandmother, whom she lived with upon entering the city. With aspirations to become a model, she began taking dance classes, tried out for modeling gigs, and attended high society events. By the fall, she had moved out on her own, to a place. on East 64th Street, which her parents furnished, and spent nearly every night partying with her Harvard friends.
By March 1965, Sedgwick had met Andy Warhol, who ran a salon he called The Factory. At the Factory, Sedgwick reinvented herself, becoming a performance artist and Warhol’s film muse. Together, Edie and Andy created 18 films, including the beginnings of a film with Bob Dylan and his friend Bob Neuwirth. During this time, Edie began a romantic relationship with Neuwirth, who she would later refer to as the love of her life. But she also had a brief flirtation with Dylan, who wrote several songs about the would-be star, including “Just Like a Woman” and “Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hat.”
By 1965, however, Warhol and Sedgwick’s relationship had become strained. Sedgwick had seen no financial remuneration from her work with Warhol, and asked Warhol to stop showing her films in public. Attempting to start a legitimate film career, she nearly signed with Dylan’s manager, but then disappeared from the scene completely.
On November 16, 1971, Edie Sedgwick died. She had suffocated in her sleep, facedown in her pillow, at the age of 28. Friends would later reveal that she suspected she was pregnant and, the night she died, had told Post that she planned to leave her husband. Even at the very end of her life, she had planned to make a big return to stardom. The chance never came.
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