The Dirty Thirties had nothing to do with a lower standard of housework; in fact, despite the world’s worst financial and economical downturn in history - combined with devastating prairie drought with damaging winds - 1930s style flourished in a meaningful way. Art depicted hardships like no other decade. This was the era when art deco designs of the Roaring Twenties went from luxurious and pricey to lavish yet affordable.
Despite The Great Depression, designers of living-room furniture from the 1930s were leaning toward the new-age, period-hip, art nouveau concept. A blend of furnishings featuring curves, straight lines, organic shapes and mixed mediums captured the day’s idea of modern. There were sleek, molded plywood and plastic chairs; long, streamlined, low-backed sectional sofas; shapely wingback easy chairs; cushy, chaise loungers; and unusually shaped coffee tables and end tables.
Brick and brass fireplaces, chrome wall sconces with milk-glass shades, metal pole lamps with beaded, fringed lampshades, and small, round mirrors added light and reflection to a 1930s living room. Curtains with large floral patterns and delicate, lace sheers were commonplace. In the same decade as the world’s first teabag, electric razor and sticky tape, the television set came on the scene. Numerous families gathered around a bulky, wood-encased record player or wooden, floor-model radio listening to their favorite soap operas and hoping for news of a turnaround in the economy.
Take a look at these amazing vintage photos to see what living rooms looked like from the 1930s.
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