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November 3, 2022

35 Vintage Posters of Beer Advertising in the 1950s and ’60s

Prior to Prohibition, there were thousands of breweries in the United States, mostly brewing heavier beers than modern US beer drinkers are used to. Beginning in 1920, most of these breweries went out of business, although some converted to soft drinks and other businesses.

Beer advertising in the 1950s and ’60s

Bootlegged beer was often watered down to increase profits, beginning a trend, still on-going today, of the American markets heavily advertising the weaker beers and keeping them popular. Consolidation of breweries and the application of industrial quality control standards have led to the mass-production and the mass-marketing of huge quantities of light lagers.

Advertising became supreme, and bigger companies fared better in that market. The decades after World War II saw a huge consolidation of the American brewing industry: brewing companies would buy their rivals solely for their customers and distribution systems, shutting down their brewing operations.

Here below is a set of vintage posters that shows beer advertising in the 1950s and 1960s.

“...With New York's Favorite Beer”

Casey Stengel and Kathy Kersh - Miss Rheingold

Emily Banks Elected Miss Rheingold 1960

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1 comment:

  1. Apparently blacks obviously didn't drink shitty beer back then.




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