The Škoda Sport was a sports racing car, designed, developed, and produced by Czechoslovak automobile manufacturer Škoda. The two-seater roadster with aluminum body and pontoon construction was released in 1949.
The car is based on the Škoda 1101 Tudor, introduced in 1946. The body was made by hand from aluminum sheets. The water-cooled, top-controlled four- cylinder - four- stroke - in-line engine with one or two compressors had a displacement of 1089 or 1221 cm³ and an output of 37-66 kW (50-90 hp) in suction mode and 48-132 kW (65-180 hp) in compressor operation. It accelerated the 655-715 kg vehicle up to 140-180 km/h (in suction mode).
Here below is a photo series of the Škoda 1101 Sport.
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