In the go-go 1950s, you didn’t often have time to shower at home, so you just set this portable rig up to cleanse yourself.
Campers can shower—in privacy—anywhere there’s water with a collapsible, portable shower unit that is set up along-side a car, trailer, or truck body. The camper can undress inside the car, step into the shower, then step back into the car to dress again.
Curtains on all four sides as-sure privacy and protect the car. Water comes from a two-gallon tank that sits on the roof of the car and runs through the hose by gravity; two gallons are enough for a pretty good showerbath if used sparingly. The 30 by 30-inch shower frame-work hangs from the car's rain gutter; plastic sheet covering hangs from the aluminum frame. The heavy plastic floor is a separate piece.
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