Girl’s fashion in the 19th century was mostly based on skirts. At certain ages, the skirts would have to be longer. At first, before they started school, the girls would wear very frilly dresses. The frillier the dress, the richer the family. When they got into school, then they would wear the skirts.
The skirts would start at about knee level, at ten years of age the skirts would drop to about mid-calf, and at sixteen years of age they would go all the way down to their ankles. At this age, the girls started dressing just like the ladies. They would wear corsets underneath their clothes, to make their bodies look the way they were most popular back then.
Here below is a set of beautiful photos that shows portraits of teenage girls from between the 1840s and 1860s.
I never knew there was no such thing as cheese in the 19th century.