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July 12, 2022

50 Amazing Photos Capture Street Scenes of Alkmaar From the Late 19th Century

Alkmaar is a city and municipality in the Netherlands, located in the province of North Holland. Alkmaar is well known for its traditional cheese market. For tourists, it is a popular cultural destination. The municipality has a population of 109,896 as of 2021.

These amazing photos from Archief Alkmaar Commons that captured street scenes of Alkmaar from between the 1870s and 1890s.

Laat, 1871

Luttik Oudorp, circa 1870

Paardenmarkt, circa 1870

Paardenmarkt, circa 1870

Oudegracht, circa 1875

Langestraat, circa 1880

Mient, circa 1880

Noorderkade, circa 1880

De Waag, 1884

Langestraat, 1885

Langestraat, circa 1885

Voordam, circa 1885

Harddraverslaan, 1886

Kennemerpark, circa 1887

Eilandswal, circa 1890

Eilandswal, circa 1890

Kaasmarkt, circa 1890

Langestraat, circa 1890

Langestraat, circa 1890

Nieuwlandersingel, circa 1890

Stadhuis, circa 1890

Eilandswal, 1892

Gasthuistraat, 1892

Verdronkenoord, circa 1892

Cadettenschool, 1893

Cadettenschool, 1893

Kooimeer, Limmerhoek, 1893

Voormeer, circa 1893

Langestraat, 1894

Nieuwstraat, circa 1894

Zijdam, circa 1894

Laat, circa 1895

Lindenlaan, circa 1895

Luttik Oudorp, circa 1895

Luttik Oudorp, circa 1895

Ritsevoort, circa 1895

Ritsevoort, circa 1895

Tuinstraat, circa 1895

Verdronkenoord, circa 1895

Verdronkenoord, circa 1895

Oudegracht, circa 1896

Luttik Oudorp, circa 1897

Luttik Oudorp, circa 1897

Tienenwal, circa 1897

Voordam, circa 1897

De Dijk, circa 1898

Eilandswal, 1898

Eilandswal, 1898

Ramen, 1898

Scheteldoekshaven, circa 1898

1 comment:

  1. Used to live near and in Alkmaar in the mid 60's to early 70's and visited again this year. It's changed a lot but some of the landmark buildings are still there.




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