Bring back some good or bad memories


July 21, 2022

“Orange-Peel House” for Campers Fits on Small Trailer, 1955

Developed in Germany, a portable shelter for camping or trailer travel looks like a gigantic orange––and peels apart almost like one. The parts of the shelter are shaped much like the segments of an orange peel. One person can fasten the segments together to complete the shelter in 15 minutes.

The parts of the shelter including the floor are made of plywood. When the shelter is disassembled, the parts can be stacked on a small trailer for the trip to the next camping site. The collapsible house has two windows and a door.

In 1955, the “orange house” was sold for about $150 (about $1700 today).

Attractive camper stacks the parts of the port-able shelter on a small trailer. There are eight of the segments and the floor, all made of plywood.

Parts are laid out and floor assembled first. Segments are mounted on the floor and clipped to each other. In 15 minutes the home is completed.

Finished shelter can serve as temporary home for campers and tourists. It also can be used as a beach house. A door is built right into one of the segments.


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