When you look at Studebaker’s automotive history, you have to go back to the late 19th century. The company was founded in 1852, when the Studebaker brothers built their first two wagons for business owners and for traveling throughout the country. The initial Studebakers were covered wagons that helped build the American West. By 1860, Studebaker was producing thousands of covered wagons that most early settlers in America thoroughly enjoyed for traveling.
The Studebaker Brothers Manufacturing Company called themselves “The World on Wheels” and made their first electric automobile in 1902, followed their first gas-powered model two years later. By the 1920s, Studebaker was truly a top automotive brand. For example, the popular 1920 Studebaker Big Six model was a great looking automobile with a refined design.
The 1930s and the Great Depression proved to be a difficult time for Studebaker, and the company had to declare bankruptcy in March 1933. Fortunately, the company was able to reorganize and continue to manufacture great looking automobiles.
Many new innovations were added to Studebaker models in the 1930s, including free-wheeling brakes, improved steering gear, and a silent gear transmission. On November 3, 1931, a President Model 80 set numerous stock car speed records at Muroc dry lake in California. The 1933 Studebaker Commander Regal sedan was a great looking vehicle that produced many orders.
In July 1945, Studebaker began to transition away from wartime production to designing and manufacturing planning for its post war vehicles. The company’s first post war production car was the Skyway Champion models. In 1947, Studebaker introduced a newly designed model under the direction of styling chief Raymond Loewy with chief engineers Bill Bourke and Eugene Hardig. These new Studebaker models offered a new light and low look which most consumers really admired and enjoyed.
The 1950-51 Studebaker models offered the famous bullet nose design, which created much conversation in the automotive world. In 1951, Motor Trend magazine called the 1951 Studebaker models “a terrific surprise." These 1951 Studebaker models also offered a popular V8 engine.
In 1953, Studebaker offered a new design look. Some automotive historians call their 1953 models the best automotive designs of the 1950s. They were designed under the direction of Loewy’s studio by Bob Bourke, who was chief designer along with Bob Koto. Koto-designed ideas for the 1953 Studebakers included such features as a dropped beltline, substantial C-pillars, broad glass area and a low ground-hugging front end.
Unfortunately, the company continued to experience declining sales, and the last Studbaker model rolled off the line in Hamilton, Ontario in March 1966. In conclusion, Studebaker has a long history that auto enthusiasts and historians will remember for years to come.
(via MotorCities)
You snuck a '53 Cadillac in there!
ReplyDeleteStudebaker always had the styling.
ReplyDeleteIf they had the reliability to go with it they might have succeeded