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May 16, 2022

Cat Eating Corn-on-the-Cob, 1951

A fresh ear of corn is a hardy, readily available food source for humans that’s super easy to pair with just about anything else for a quick, satisfying meal year-round. But can your feline friend eat corn?

The answer is yes. In fact, not only can your cat eat corn, your cat probably already is eating corn. Due to its ready availability and good fiber content, corn and cornmeal is a very common filler ingredient in many commercially available pet foods and snacks.

Cats are obligate carnivores, so their bodies are really set up to process meat protein most efficiently. This means that, while corn will provide some minor nutritional benefit in B vitamins and fiber, it is going to mostly act as a blank filler in their stomachs, which can cause them to eat less.

Below are some vintage photographs, taken by LIFE photographer Allan Grant in 1951, of a cat eating corn-on-the-cob:

(Photos by Allan Grant)


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