On April 3,1978, Dolly Parton appeared on a one-time television special titled, Cher… Special. The show was a variety/musical featuring Cher with special guests including Rod Stewart, The Tubes and Dolly. Each guest performed musical numbers as well as rehearsed comedic sketches.
Cher... Special was a ratings success for ABC and it was ranked among the Top 10 most watched programs of the week. In the fall of 1978, it was honored with a technical Emmy Award for “Best Achievement in Lighting Direction”. It also received an Emmy nomination for “Best Art Direction for a Comedy-Variety or Musical Special” and Dolly Parton was also nominated for an Emmy in the category of “Best Supporting Actress in a Variety or Musical Special”.
you two ladies would have to be two of the greatest female entertainers that have graced this planet and would like to wish you both all the best for the future