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February 14, 2022

Wonderful Nature of Alaska in 1969 Through Beautiful Photos

Alaska is a state located in the Western United States on the northwest extremity of North America. A semi-exclave of the U.S., it borders the Canadian province of British Columbia and the territory of Yukon to the east and share a maritime border with the Russian Federation’s Chukotka Autonomous Okrug to the west, just across the Bering Strait. To the north are the Chukchi and Beaufort seas of the Arctic Ocean, while the Pacific Ocean lies to the south and southwest.

Alaska is by far the largest U.S. state by area, comprising more total area than the next three largest states (Texas, California, and Montana) combined. It is the third-least populous and the most sparsely populated state. Approximately half of Alaska’s residents live within the Anchorage metropolitan area. The state capital of Juneau is the second-largest city in the United States by area, comprising more territory than the states of Rhode Island and Delaware. The former capital of Alaska, Sitka, is the largest U.S. city by area.

While it has one of the smallest state economies in the country, Alaska’s per capita income is among the highest, owing to a diversified economy dominated by fishing, natural gas, and oil, all of which it has in abundance. United States armed forces bases and tourism are also a significant part of the economy; more than half the state is federally owned public land, including a multitude of national forests, national parks, and wildlife refuges.

The indigenous population of Alaska is proportionally the highest of any U.S. state, at over 15 percent. Close to two dozen native languages are spoken, and Alaskan Natives exercise considerable influence in local and state politics.

These beautiful photos were taken by then 15-year-old photographer Harold Slatore when he spent a few weeks on the roads of Alaska in 1969.

Portage Glacier, near Anchorage, Alaska, 1969

Portage Glacier, near Anchorage, Alaska, 1969

Mendenhall Glacier, near Juneau, Alaska, 1969

Mendenhall Glacier, near Juneau, Alaska, 1969

Mendenhall River, Alaska, 1969

Matanuska Glacier, Alaska, 1969

A close up of beautifully colored foliage near Anchorage, Alaska, 1969

A high level view of Anchorage, Alaska, 1969

A typical gravel highway heads from Anchorage out to countryside where fall has painted the landscape, Alaska, 1969

A view from the high ground, out toward Turnagain Arm and the city of Anchorage, Alaska, 1969

August in central Alaska, at Denali National Park, 1969

August, and fall color is already spreading across the land in Denali National Park, Alaska, 1969

Cypress near Anchorage, Alaska, 1969

Denali (McKinley) National Park, Alaska, 1969

Denali (McKinley) National Park. Just where the gravel road turns out of sight, two caribou are crossing, Alaska, 1969

Eklutna Glacier at ground level, Alaska, 1969

Eklutna Glacier had a heavy over-cover of rocks and silt, Alaska, 1969

Fairbanks, Alaska, seen from the highway, 1969

Fall color along the highway in Alaska, 1969

Fall color along the highway in Alaska, 1969

Fall color along the highway in Alaska, 1969

Fall color along the highway in Alaska, 1969

Fall color along the highway in Alaska, 1969

Fall color along the highway in Alaska, 1969

Fall color along the highway in Alaska, 1969

Fall color along the highway in Alaska, 1969

Fall color along the highway in Alaska, 1969

Fall color near Anchorage, Alaska, 1969

Fall colors spread over the ground near Anchorage, Alaska, 1969

Forest partially obscures the view of Anchorage, Alaska, 1969

Ground-hugging shrubs and bushes turn brightly colored as fall approaches, near Anchorage, Alaska, 1969

Park Service sign explaining the sex habits of salmon. Mendenhall River, Alaska, 1969

Picking berries at Denali (McKinley) National Park, Alaska, 1969

Ptarmigan in Denali (McKinley) National Park, Alaska, 1969

Sailing the inside passage on the Alaska Marine Highway, 1969

Salmon headed up stream, Mendenhall River, Alaska, 1969

Salmon in the Mendenhall River, Alaska, 1969

Salmon in their red spawning colors, Mendenhall River, Alaska, 1969

The "Drunken Forest", Alaska, 1969

The "Million Dollar Golf Course" in Juneau, Alaska, had not a single blade of grass. Built on the tailings from gold mines, it was said to contain a million dollars worth of residual gold in unrecoverable form, 1969

The city of Anchorage, Alaska, seen from the highway, 1969

Treeless areas of Alaska are often covered with low-growing shrubs which turn beautiful shades of red, rust, orange, and yellow with the approach of fall, 1969

Treeless areas of Alaska are often covered with low-growing shrubs which turn beautiful shades of red, rust, orange, and yellow with the approach of fall, 1969

White mountains in the distance and fall color up close, Alaska, 1969

Wonder Lake in Denali National Park, Alaska, 1969


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