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January 17, 2022

40 Incredibly Colorized Photos of the 1903 Winter Palace Costume Ball

The 1903 ball in the Winter Palace was a luxurious ball during the reign of the Emperor Nicholas II of Russia. It was held in the Winter Palace, Saint Petersburg, in two stages, on February 11 and 13. All the visitors were in bejeweled 17th-century style costumes, made from designs by the artist Sergey Solomko, in collaboration with historical experts.

1903 costume ball in the Winter Palace

The entire Imperial family posed in rich 17th-century costumes, Tsar Nicholas as Alexis, the Tsaritsa Alexandra as Maria Miloslavskaya, in the Hermitage Theatre, many wearing priceless original items brought specially from the Kremlin, for what was to be their final photograph together.

These amazing photos are colorized by klimbims that show participants of the 1903 costume ball in the Winter Palace.

Alexandra Feodorovna, Costume Ball 1903

Anna Taneeva (Vyrubova) with sister, Costume Ball 1903

Cornette Kolioubakine, Costume Ball 1903

Grand Duchess Xenia Alexandrovna of Russia, Costume Ball 1903.

Grand Duchess Xenia Alexandrovna of Russia, Costume Ball 1903

La baronne de Freedericksz (Femme de boyard du XVII siecle), Costume Ball 1903

La Baronne Emma Freedericksz, Demoiselle d'honneur de Leurs Majestés les Impératrices (Jeune fille boyard du XVII siècle), Costume Ball 1903

La Baronne Stackelberg, née Baronne Kaulbars (Femme de boyard du XVII siècle), Costume Ball 1903

La Comtesse Elisabeth Cheremetew, Costume Ball 1903

La Comtesse Elisabeth Moussine-Pouchkine, née Comtesse Capnist (Femme de boyard du XVII siècle), Costume Ball 1903

La Comtesse Fersen, nee Princesse Dolgorouky (Femme de boyard du XVII siecle), Costume Ball 1903

La Comtesse Karlow, nee Vonlarsky (Femme de boyard du XVII siecle), Costume Ball 1903

La Comtesse Keller, née Princesse Schakhovskoy (Femme de boyard du XVII siècle), Costume Ball 1903

La Comtesse Orlow-Davydow, nee Zographo (Femme de boyard du XVII siecle), Costume Ball 1903

La Princesse Barbe Dolgorouky, Costume Ball 1903

La Princesse Elisabeth Obolensky, Demoiselle d'honneur de Sa Majeste I'lmperatrice Alexandra Feodorovna (Jeune fille boyard de la fin du XVII siècle), Costume Ball 1903

La Princesse Youssoupow, Comtesse Soumarokow-Elston, nee Princesse Youssoupow (Femme de boyard du XVII siecle), Costume Ball 1903

Madame Bezak, nee Schipow (Femme de boyard du XVII siecle), Costume Ball 1903

Madame Bezobrazow, nee Comtesse Stenbock-Fermor (Femme de boyard — en service au Palais), Costume Ball 1903

Madame Mansourow, nee Rehbinder (Costume d'interieur d'une femme de boyard du XVII siecle), Costume Ball 1903

Madame Rodzianko, nee Princesse Galitzine (Femme de boyard du XVII siecle), Costume Ball 1903

Madame Tatistchew, nee Bibikow (Femme de boyard du XVII siecle), Costume Ball 1903

Madame Timaschew, nee Cheremetew (Femme de boyard du XVII siecle), Costume Ball 1903

Mademoiselle Alexandrine Taneiew, Costume Ball 1903

Mademoiselle Dorothee Bibikow, Costume Ball 1903

Mademoiselle Nathalie Zveguintzew  (Jeune fille boyard du XVII siecle en costume d'interieur), Costume Ball 1903

Mademoiselle Olga Baranow, Costume Ball 1903

Maid of honor, Princess E.V.Baryatinskaya, Costume Ball 1903

Nicholas II and Alexandra Feodorovna, Costume Ball 1903

Nicholas II of Russia, Costume Ball 1903

One of participants, Costume Ball 1903

One of participants, Costume Ball 1903

One of participants, Costume Ball 1903

Princess Olga Orlova in Masquerade Costume for the Ball, Costume Ball 1903

Princess V.M. Kudasheva (nee Nirod) dressed as Boyarynya (noblewoman) of the XVII century, Costume Ball 1903

S. A. S. la Princesse Galitzine, née Comtesse Moussine-Pouchkine (Femme de boyard du XVII siècle), Costume Ball 1903

S. A. S. le Prince Dmitri Galitzine, Chef de la Venerie Imperiale (Fauconnier du Tsar Alexis Mikha'i'lovitch), Costume Ball 1903

Winter Palace Costume Ball of 1903

Zenaida Youssoupoff, Costume Ball 1903

Zinaida Yusupova, Costume Ball 1903


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