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September 19, 2021

Incredible Photos of ‘The Battle of Manila’ by Carl Mydans

‘The Battle of Manila’ (February 3 – March 3, 1945) was a major battle of the Philippine campaign of 1944–45, during the Second World War. It was fought by forces from both the United States and the Philippines against Japanese troops in Manila, the capital city of the Philippines.

The month-long battle, which resulted in the death of over 100,000 civilians and the complete devastation of the city, was the scene of the worst urban fighting in the Pacific theater. Japanese forces committed mass murder against Filipino civilians during the battle. Along with massive loss of life, the battle also destroyed architectural and cultural heritage dating back to the city’s founding, and Manila became one of the most devastated capital cities during the entire war, alongside Berlin and Warsaw.

The battle ended the almost three years of Japanese military occupation in the Philippines (1942–1945). The city’s capture was marked as General Douglas MacArthur’s key to victory in the campaign of reconquest. To date, it is the last of the many battles fought within Manila's history.

These incredible photos from John Tewell were taken by Life photographer Carl Mydans that documented life of Filipino civilians during and just after ‘The Battle of Manila’ in 1945.

Filipino women rescued by American soldiers, Intramuros, Manila, Philippines, March 1945

American sailors on the north bank of the Pasig River east of the Jones Bridge, Manila, Philippines, September 1945

American soldiers helping a Filipino lady to safety and help, Manila, Philippines, February 1945

Arched bridge at O’Campo Pagoda, Manila, Philippines, February 1945

Battle for Manila, a lone soldier, Philippine Post Office Building, Manila, March 1945

Chinese volunteers in Manila, Philippines, 1945

Everywhere are ruins, just after the Battle for Manila, Manila, Philippines, March 1945

Filipino citizens find safety, Manila, Philippines, February 1945

Filipino citizens find safety, Manila, Philippines, February 1945

Filipino citizens fleeing the fighting, Manila, Philippines, February 1945

Filipino citizens fleeing the fighting, Manila, Philippines, February 1945

Filipinos returning home after the Battle for Manila, March 1945

Friends during a troubled time, north of Manila, Philippines, February 1945

Injured Filipino woman being help by American soldiers, Manila, Philippines, February 1945

Japanese barricaded road, Manila, Philippines, March 1945

Jose M. O’Campo complex during the Battle for Manila, February 1945

Jose M. O’Campo complex during the Battle for Manila, February 1945

Just after the Battle for Manila, March 1945, Manila, Philippines

Ladies having their hair done at a hair salon, Manila, Philippines, September 1945

Legislative Building, Manila, Philippines, WWII damage, September 1945

Liberation of Manila, Philippines, March 1945

Life after the war and lucky to be alive, Manila, Philippines, 1945

Looking east across Quezon Blvd. with Times Movie Theater from the east tower of the church, Quiapo Church, Manila, Philippines, May 1945

Looking south into Intramuros from the Puerta Isabel Gate, Manila, Philippines, March 1945

Looking west down Carriedo Street from the west church tower, Quiapo Church, Manila, Philippines, May 1945

Manila to Cavite bus being checked by Military Police, September 1945

Manila, looking southeast across the Pasig River, September 1945

Manila, Philippines right after the Battle for Manila, 1945

Manila, Philippines, September 1945

Marketplace, Manila, Philippines, May 1945

Metropolitan Theater after the Americans took control, Battle for Manila, Manila, Philippines, February 1945

O'Campo Pagoda, Quiapo, Manila, Philippines, February 1945

O'Campo Pagoda, Quiapo, Manila, Philippines, February 1945

Older Filipino woman giving a child a bath by the ruins of her home, Manila, Philippines, March 1945

Philippines, February 1945, Executive Order No. 24

Quezon Boulevard, Times Theater, Manila, Philippines, May 1945

Rubble that was Manila just after the Battle for Manila, March 1945

San Augustin Church and destroyed Intramuros, Manila, Philippines, September 1945

Santo Domingo Church just after the Battle for Manila, Intramuros, Manila, Philippines, March 1945

Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines, early February 1945

Shoes in a market, near the WWII ruins of Santa Cruz Church, Manila, Philippines, May 1945

The eyes tell the truth, sadness, and innocence stolen, WWII Manila, Philippines, 1945

The fruits of war is destruction, Manila, Philippines, September 1945

The innocent, WWII Battle for Manila, Philippines, February 1945

The shambles that was Manila, near San Marcelino Street, Philippines, February 1945

The shambles that was Manila, Philippines, March 1945

View from Quiapo Church, Manila, Philippines, May 1945

WWII destruction of Santa Cruz Church and area, Manila, Philippines, May 1945

(Photo © Carl Mydans)

1 comment:

  1. Excellent, thank you. I had seen few of these pics before.




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