Bring back some good or bad memories


April 13, 2021

Stunning Black and White Photos of Chicago in 1988

“A look at a man plunged into a rugged city in the diversity of his urbanism” is how the sociologist and historian Henri Peretz describes Chicago. “Chicago's urban landscape is very particular, changing at every turn, sometimes monumental and majestic, sometimes dark and lugubrious,” says Peretz. “The city is flat, the skyscrapers are visible from everywhere. In the loop, the metro is omnipresent because it is airy. The variety of habitat is also impressive. The contrast between the modern city center, the chic suburbs, and the poor neighborhoods was and remains striking.”

Taken by Gil Rigoulet, Chicago 1988 was commissioned by French daily newspaper Le Monde. Take a look below:


  1. Pootsa nubila. THIS is what everyone's always asking about when I don't understand what they're saying. The guy in the top right picture gave me some peanuts once. I know him. As a matter of fact, some people might say that I am him. He, me. Hello! Pootsa, pootsa, and all of that.

  2. Donegal's arms are always flailing. He's consistent that way. Get a load of him in picture eight. I could never, ever become a training exercise like he's been without once becoming somebody else. But he sure could. He sings, sings. No pants could contain him.

    1. I used to eat all them hot dogs and I never had nothing like this happen to me. Donegal was a myth, anyway. Don't buy into it.




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