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February 15, 2021

Disneyland Employee Cafeteria, 1961

A vintage photo from the Walt Disney Archives lets us peek in to Disneyland’s backstage cafeteria in 1961.

What a deal! Two eggs, potatoes and toast for 50 cents; cereal or the pie à la mode special for a quarter. Those and plenty of other offerings were on the menu at this Disneyland cafeteria 60 years ago. It was an exciting time at Disney’s first park, just six years old when this truly behind-the-scenes photo was snapped in July 1961.

Barely a month earlier, the Monorail track was extended to the Disneyland Hotel and the park hosted its very first Grad Nite Party, where teens dressed up and spent the night eating, dancing and enjoying many of the attractions. And speaking of dressing up and eating, you could always catch a character—in full regalia—on break in one of the Disneyland employee cafeterias. After all, even they got hungry and took a tasty break from time to time to enjoy the eateries’ yummy offerings. Matter of fact, Snow White said all the food was great, but she kept away from the apple pie.


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