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May 9, 2020

Before Automobile Popularity, 40 Amazing Photos Capture People During Horse and Buggy Days

A horse and buggy refers to a light, simple, two-person carriage of the late 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries, drawn usually by one or sometimes by two horses. Also called a roadster or a trap, it was made with two or four wheels. It had a folding or falling top.

The bodies of buggies were sometimes suspended on a pair of longitudinal elastic wooden bars called sidebars. A buggy whip had a small, usually tasseled tip called a snapper.

In countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada, it was a primary mode of short-distance personal transportation, especially between 1815 and 1915. At that time, horseback riding in towns and rural areas was less common and required more specific skills than driving a buggy.

Before automobile popularity, these amazing photos captured people with their horse-drawn carriages in the 1900s and 1910s.


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