The photographs were taken in Lviv, Ukraine in on May 1, 1968. The images depict a Lviv schoolgirl, whom her parent brought to the May Day demonstration. The girl’s face shows that she is not at all happy with this fact.
Around the 2010s, photography spread all over the internet, and the girl – for her stern appearance – became the heroine of numerous jokes and memes.
But who was she? According to Flashbak, many note its similarity with Vera Serdyuchka, former Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk, and Nadezhda Savchenko and even ex-parliamentarian Irina Fariion.
These terrific snapshots were taken by Pavliuk Ilya, and someone must know who she was.
(Photos © Lviv Museuem of History)
Around the 2010s, photography spread all over the internet, and the girl – for her stern appearance – became the heroine of numerous jokes and memes.
But who was she? According to Flashbak, many note its similarity with Vera Serdyuchka, former Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk, and Nadezhda Savchenko and even ex-parliamentarian Irina Fariion.
These terrific snapshots were taken by Pavliuk Ilya, and someone must know who she was.
(Photos © Lviv Museuem of History)
Poor kid, someone cut her hair with a rusty knife, no wonder she's pissed.