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December 13, 2019

Beautiful Pin-Up Photos of Joan Crawford as a Sexy Santa From the 1920s

A 20 year old Joan Crawford as Santa for MGM publicity photos, December 1926.
“I probably had more [publicity] pictures taken than any girl who’d ever been signed at the studio, because, as a dancer, I could leap the highest and jump the farthest. I threw myself into action shots with youthful abandon.

“They also took pictures of me as I came out of a firecracker for the Fourth of July, climbing down a chimney in a fur-trimmed Santa Claus bathing suit with a Teddy bear in my pack, and in all sorts of chiffon scarves and beads I’d dig up in wardrobe, some of the most artistic of these for European publication.

“Once they took me down to Seventh and Broadway in Los Angeles, put me in a traffic cop’s hat and let me stop traffic. I stopped quite a bit of traffic, and that photo broke in newspapers across the country. I was in pictures, that’s true, but not moving.” — Joan Crawford, A Portrait of Joan (1962)

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