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August 1, 2019

40 Fascinating Snaps Capture Everyday Life of Nicaragua in the 1950s

Nicaragua is the largest country in the Central American isthmus, bordered by Honduras to the northwest, the Caribbean to the east, Costa Rica to the south, and the Pacific Ocean to the southwest.

Managua is the country's capital and largest city and is also the third-largest city in Central America, behind Tegucigalpa and Guatemala City. The multi-ethnic population includes people of indigenous, European, African, and Asian heritage. The main language is Spanish. Indigenous tribes on the Mosquito Coast speak their own languages and English.

The mixture of cultural traditions has generated substantial diversity in folklore, cuisine, music, and literature. Known as the "land of lakes and volcanoes", Nicaragua is also home to the second-largest rainforest of the Americas. The biological diversity, warm tropical climate and active volcanoes make Nicaragua an increasingly popular tourist destination.

These fascinating snapshots from eliz avery that were taken by her grandfather when he worked there as an engineer in the 1950s.

Nicaraguan cowgirls

Nicaraguan dancer with a cute little fruit hat at the Gran Hotel

Goat cart on street in Nicaragua

Nicaraguan old man

Nicaraguan old woman

Old woman in door

People on road

Rearing horse at a Nicaraguan rodeo

River & boat

Rural street scenes

Seashore & horseman

Shark and hunks

Skinned croc

Women on the road

A boy, an iguana, and a gun

At a Nicaraguan rodeo

At a Nicaraguan rodeo

At the swimming hole

Baby bird

Cantina with hot-sauce sign

Country church and palm trees

Country church and palm trees

Country church in Nicaragua

Dancer/performer at the Gran Hotel in Nicaragua

Diver at the Gran Hotel, Managua, Nicaragua

Diving into the swimming hole


Fishing boats coming in for the night, Nicaragua


Here's one for you car buffs

Levade at a Nicaraguan rodeo

Little boy and little owl

Man and big fish

Man catching a fresh-water shark in Lake Managua, Nicaragua

Man on white horse

Man riding on horse

Man with hat & rope

Portrait of a man with intense face

Man with knives

Migracion man with rifle



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