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May 22, 2019

Amazing Color Photos Document Memories From Parks College, St. Louis in 1969

Parks College of Engineering, Aviation and Technology is a college within Saint Louis University.

Founded by Oliver Parks in 1927. Parks Air College was America's first federally certified school of aviation, holding the FAA Air Agency Certificate no. 1. Oliver Parks bought 100 acres in East St. Louis in 1928, and built five buildings the same year. By 1929 Parks operated 35 TravelAir trainers with an enrollment of 600 students.

Now known as Parks College of Engineering, Aviation, and Technology, it is a modern, growing, active part of the university.

These amazing photos from Saint Louis University Libraries Digitization Center that documented various activities of faculty, staff, and students engaged in study, classroom activities and recreation in 1969.

Walking to class

Welcome National Intercollegiate Flying Association (NIFA)

Academy bugler

Aerolab 4-inch supersonic tunnel

Aerospace Engineering Directory

Aviation fuel storage tanks

Ben Abell, Professor of Science and Mathematics-Meteorology

Bi-state Parks Airport

Catherine Warren handling communication for Parks College

Chemistry class

Cherokee plane a ready to take flight

Cherokee plane damage report

Class in the lab

Classroom entry

Commencement ceremony address in progress by president Paul Reinert

Computation Science

Computer science entry

Don Shields exhibiting Lunar Excursion Module (LEM) atop Saturn

Dorm room

Engineering exam

Engineering lab construction

Engineering project

Family group on commencement day

Figuring it out

Flag outside of Mercury Hall

From inside the hangar

Grads with diplomas

Holloran Hall construction


IBM center

In the lab

Indoor commencement

Intramural football game

Intramural football game

Intramural football game

Karl Jindra gets 2d LT bars

Marie Carroll working on correspondence for Parks College

Meteorology class

Outdoor commencement ceremony

Parks grad getting picture with family

Parks guard poses by cannon

Parks guards marching

Parks guards marching

Professor J.L. Rhodes of Aerospace Engineering lectures class

Recent Parks College graduates celebrate with family

Retro IBM computation device

Rocket field testing


Running with an airplane model on campus

Snow scene on campus

Student entering library

Student recording computations

Student working on Air Force base

Student working with cup model

T-38 Jet of Oliver Park, founder of Parks College

Team building

Touch football

Two working at the backboard

Using a balance in physics



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