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December 23, 2018

What If Abstract Models Were Real People? Photographer Imagines What the Subjects in Famous Paintings Would Look Like!

In her Real Life Models series Hungarian photographer Flora Borsi imagines what real life models of strange abstract paintings would have looked like. Through some pretty hilarious photo manipulation Borsi examines the models for paintings by Kees van Dongen, Rudolf Hausner, and Picasso among others.

“Some artists use pure imagination to paint their artworks, others may prefer to create art by using a real life model as reference for the anatomy,” says Borsi. “What if these abstract models were real people?”

For each photo, she painstakingly found the proper clothing and accessories before modeling them herself. Once the photo was taken, she would upload it into Photoshop and replace her shape and features with those of the distorted subject in the painting.

(Photos © Flora Borsi, via PetaPixel)



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