From Ann Francis, Betty Grabel to Natalie Wood, Grace Kelly, here is a set of glamorous pictures that shows classic beauties dressing up for Christmas in the past.
Ann Francis |
Annette Funicello |
Ava Gardner |
Bette Davis |
Bettie Page |
Betty Grabel |
Catherine Deneuve |
Colleen Townsend |
Connie Stevens |
Cyd Charisse |
Deanna Durbin |
Debbie Reynolds |
Diana Dors |
Doris Day |
Dorothy Lamour |
Eleanore Whitney |
Elizabeth Montgomery |
Elizabeth Taylor |
Esther Williams |
Gina Lollobrigida |
Grace Kelly |
Janet Leigh |
Jayne Mansfield |
Joan Collins |
Lana Turner |
Linda Darnell |
Mary Ann Mobley |
Mary Martin |
Mary Tyler Moore |
Mitzi Gaynor |
Natalie Wood |
Piper Laurie |
Rita Hayworth |
Rosemary and Priscilla Lane |
Sandra Dee |
Shirley Jones |
Shirley Temple |
Tippi Hedren |
Vera-Ellen |
Yvonne Craig |