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November 12, 2018

Incredible Stereographs of World War I

An incredible stereograph collection of from The Library of Virginia that shows scenes from World War I in Germany, England, France, the United States, Belgium, Italy, and Serbia.

French storming hill Notre Dame de Lorette

French 'tanks' which saw service - parading, Paris streets

Gallant legionaries of Czechoslovakia on parade, Prague

German prisoners 'cleaning up' at Chateau-Thierry, France

German prisoners under guard of French soldiers. These prisoners are treated humanely by the Allies

German prisoners well housed, near 'Belleau Woods', France

Guards of the Republic - in Palace of Versailles during treaty signing

Hospital deck on giant transport 'Leviathan'

In a British first line trench in the Balkans

In the French trenches, infantry soldier on observation duty (European war)

Looking east on the Italian front. In foreground Italian trenches of resistance built after territory was won from enemy

Making bread for British troops; camp scene, France

Marines guarding U.S. sector on the Rhine - Koblenz, Germany

Meat for the boys in the trenches - An important result of meatless days

Modern artillery transport by auto in France

No Man's Land; sea of barbed wire in front of Bulgarian lines, Saloniki front

Our boys boarding transport for France

Our doughboys at work - ordnance repair shop, Mehun-sur-Yevre, France

Red Cross 'dog encampment' behind the lines in the French sector

Ripped and battered to death by the enemy - A derelict tank, Cambrai

Ruins of famous church at Albert, France

Ruins of Soissons, and its two great cathedrals

Salvation Army hut, always at the front with our doughboys, Rhine frontier

Section of many miles of French field kitchens

Section where horses were quartered, detachment of British cavalry

Serbian cavalry ready for battle on the Balkan plains

Serbian soldiers in their rock-protected rest billets on the Balkan front

Serbian trench - awaiting phone call from listening post to fire rocket for illuminating 'No Man's Land'

Strong concrete German position and victims after Battle of Menin Road

Taking away the wounded in motor ambulance (Somme)

Temporary homes in devastated Lens, long occupied by the Germans, France

The first French lines to reach the ground captured from the enemy's hold by the Marine fusileers

The ruined stronghold of Fort de la Malmaison, Chemin des Dames, France

'Through it all like horror runs the red resentment of the guns,' Oise, France

Through the uncharted heavens she blazed the trail - 'Blimp' R-34 at Mineola

Troop kitchen - 21 ranges each burning cord of wood daily - Brest, France

View in a trench kitchen underground on the Saloniki front

With the Belgian army at the front - Inspection of rifles (European war)

Yanks at Herschbach, U.S. Army of Occupation on the Rhine

A field of forty tanks - 'Like a flock of sheep browsing' - Bethune

A friendly bout among our boys, on transport returning from France

A mile of autos used by our 'third army,' Germany

Alincourt, France, German ammunition camp destroyed by Allied airmen

Altar of Malines Cathedral, wrecked by German shells

American soldiers on the west bank of the Rhine in the occupied region, Germany

An American field radio outfit at the front in France

Artillery observers telephoning headquarters from the front on the Marne

Awaiting enemy in French trenches with rifle and mitrailleuse

Battle of the Aisne - Ammunition wagons shifting to new position

Belgians defending bridge across canal, Flanders

Bridge destroyed by the Germans where Allies crossed the Aisne, 1918

Bringing in wounded on French front after battle Ablain St. Nazaire

British royal engineers constructing second line trenches in Flanders

Camp of French artillerymen (mitrailleurs) enjoying well-earned rest from trench warfare

Cementing Anglo-French friendship, soldiers of France in London

Deck of U.S. Battleship Pennsylvania

Devastated Arras, 'Grande Place' section visited by Peace Conference delegates, France

Doughnuts for doughboys - Montabaur on the Rhine

English cavalry horses ready for the front

Entrenched highlanders on the lookout using mirror periscope

Famous St. Michele Mountain - Where Italians fought gallantly against Austrians

French '75' gun in action against battle planes

French 75 millimeter guns in ambush near German trenches

French auto mitrailleuse - attached to U.S. Army, Montabaur, Germany

French cavalry ready to follow an infantry attack

French colonial (Morocco) cavalry in Paris

French gunners charging huge 270 mm. (Howitzer) in Forest of Argonne

French mine explosion under enemy trenches



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