An incredible stereograph collection of from The Library of Virginia that shows scenes from World War I in Germany, England, France, the United States, Belgium, Italy, and Serbia.
French storming hill Notre Dame de Lorette |
French 'tanks' which saw service - parading, Paris streets |
Gallant legionaries of Czechoslovakia on parade, Prague |
German prisoners 'cleaning up' at Chateau-Thierry, France |
German prisoners under guard of French soldiers. These prisoners are treated humanely by the Allies |
German prisoners well housed, near 'Belleau Woods', France |
Guards of the Republic - in Palace of Versailles during treaty signing |
Hospital deck on giant transport 'Leviathan' |
In a British first line trench in the Balkans |
In the French trenches, infantry soldier on observation duty (European war) |
Looking east on the Italian front. In foreground Italian trenches of resistance built after territory was won from enemy |
Making bread for British troops; camp scene, France |
Marines guarding U.S. sector on the Rhine - Koblenz, Germany |
Meat for the boys in the trenches - An important result of meatless days |
Modern artillery transport by auto in France |
No Man's Land; sea of barbed wire in front of Bulgarian lines, Saloniki front |
Our boys boarding transport for France |
Our doughboys at work - ordnance repair shop, Mehun-sur-Yevre, France |
Red Cross 'dog encampment' behind the lines in the French sector |
Ripped and battered to death by the enemy - A derelict tank, Cambrai |
Ruins of famous church at Albert, France |
Ruins of Soissons, and its two great cathedrals |
Salvation Army hut, always at the front with our doughboys, Rhine frontier |
Section of many miles of French field kitchens |
Section where horses were quartered, detachment of British cavalry |
Serbian cavalry ready for battle on the Balkan plains |
Serbian soldiers in their rock-protected rest billets on the Balkan front |
Serbian trench - awaiting phone call from listening post to fire rocket for illuminating 'No Man's Land' |
Strong concrete German position and victims after Battle of Menin Road |
Taking away the wounded in motor ambulance (Somme) |
Temporary homes in devastated Lens, long occupied by the Germans, France |
The first French lines to reach the ground captured from the enemy's hold by the Marine fusileers |
The ruined stronghold of Fort de la Malmaison, Chemin des Dames, France |
'Through it all like horror runs the red resentment of the guns,' Oise, France |
Through the uncharted heavens she blazed the trail - 'Blimp' R-34 at Mineola |
Troop kitchen - 21 ranges each burning cord of wood daily - Brest, France |
View in a trench kitchen underground on the Saloniki front |
With the Belgian army at the front - Inspection of rifles (European war) |
Yanks at Herschbach, U.S. Army of Occupation on the Rhine |
A field of forty tanks - 'Like a flock of sheep browsing' - Bethune |
A friendly bout among our boys, on transport returning from France |
A mile of autos used by our 'third army,' Germany |
Alincourt, France, German ammunition camp destroyed by Allied airmen |
Altar of Malines Cathedral, wrecked by German shells |
American soldiers on the west bank of the Rhine in the occupied region, Germany |
An American field radio outfit at the front in France |
Artillery observers telephoning headquarters from the front on the Marne |
Awaiting enemy in French trenches with rifle and mitrailleuse |
Battle of the Aisne - Ammunition wagons shifting to new position |
Belgians defending bridge across canal, Flanders |
Bridge destroyed by the Germans where Allies crossed the Aisne, 1918 |
Bringing in wounded on French front after battle Ablain St. Nazaire |
British royal engineers constructing second line trenches in Flanders |
Camp of French artillerymen (mitrailleurs) enjoying well-earned rest from trench warfare |
Cementing Anglo-French friendship, soldiers of France in London |
Deck of U.S. Battleship Pennsylvania |
Devastated Arras, 'Grande Place' section visited by Peace Conference delegates, France |
Doughnuts for doughboys - Montabaur on the Rhine |
English cavalry horses ready for the front |
Entrenched highlanders on the lookout using mirror periscope |
Famous St. Michele Mountain - Where Italians fought gallantly against Austrians |
French '75' gun in action against battle planes |
French 75 millimeter guns in ambush near German trenches |
French auto mitrailleuse - attached to U.S. Army, Montabaur, Germany |
French cavalry ready to follow an infantry attack |
French colonial (Morocco) cavalry in Paris |
French gunners charging huge 270 mm. (Howitzer) in Forest of Argonne |
French mine explosion under enemy trenches |