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November 4, 2018

Art on the Beach: Amazing Pics of Men Cavorting on the Landfill Which Would Become Battery Park City in the Mid-1980s

A warm summer Sunday in the mid-1980s finds Michael Callen and Jim Fouratt cavorting on the landfill which would become Battery Park City, New York City.

Michael Callen - coned alone

Michael Callen - coned alone

Michael Callen astride the sand

Mike ♥ NJ

Mike ♥ WTC

Mike and Jim on the half shell

Mike and Richard and Chain Link along the Hudson

Mike and Richard with palm

Mike at the World Laundry Center

Mike at the World Laundry Center

Mike grounded upside down

Woman finds man in cone. Looking west across Hudson River towards Jersey City, from what would become Battery Park City

Jim Fouratt in triangle

Jim Fouratt in triangle

Jim Fouratt meets mural

Jim Fouratt on half shell come hither

Jim Fouratt on the half shell

Jim Fouratt palms it solo

Jim Fouratt palms it

(Photos from Mr Flikker)



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