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October 22, 2018

28 Fascinating Photos of France in the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries

These fascinating photographs from fymbremont that documented everyday life of France in the late 1890s and early 1900s. To discover the story of each photo, visit the blog Monsieur Eugène.

Military, 74th IR, 1898

The cycling race Bordeaux-Paris, 1899

The palace of electricity, Universal Exhibition of Paris, 1899

The beach, Trouville, circa 1900

The port, Cannes, circa 1900

Avenue du Bois-de-Boulogne, Paris, circa 1900

Beach cabins, Deauville, circa 1900

 Castle Coucy, Picardie, circa 1900

Gustave and Jeanne, circa 1900

Hotel Omnibus, circa 1900

 Military, 24th SIM, 1900

Monumental door, 1900 Universal Exhibition in Paris

Notre-Dame-du-Murier, Batz-sur-Mer, circa 1900

Parc des Buttes Chaumont, Paris, circa 1900

St Jacques Tower, Paris, circa 1900

The Grand Palace, Paris, the Universal Exposition of 1900

 Trouville, circa 1900

Villemoisson, Ile-de-France, circa 1900

Washerwoman, circa 1900

Entrance to the port of Trouville, 1901

Place des Vosges, Paris, 1902

 Statue Victor Hugo, Paris, 1902

The Chartreuse desert, France, 1902

 Biarritz, the big beach, 1904

Villa Belza, Biarritz, 1904

 The Auteuil Viaduct, Paris, 1905

Madeleine and Émilien, circa 1906

 Yvonne, circa 1908



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