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September 19, 2018

Little Girl Growing Up: 18 Adorable Photos of a German Girl From Baby to About Ten

These aborable photos from Suzanne are all of the same little girl as she grows from baby to ten or so. A little sister joins the family and then another baby. It seems that there's something melancholy about her.

Portraits of a German little girl from baby to around ten

“The photos were purchased from a German seller and the words printed on the back of the photos that are real photo postcards are German.

I've found more photos on eBay of this little German girl and her family. Her name is unknown and she usually looks too serious for a little girl. ”

Bundled up baby

 Sweet baby

Baby surrounded with gorgeous linens

 Little girl with expressive eyes

Toddler wearing an embroidered blouse

Little girl moving her hand

 Little sweetheart

Looking into the camera

 Posing for the camera

Profile with a bow and pretty collar

Round eyed sweetheart

Sisters with a comb and hair brush

Sisters with big bows and a brush and comb

Family portrait. Mother and sisters

 Sisters and a bicycle

The mother, little sister and baby sibling of the little girl in the previous photo, the older woman is probably the grandma

Little sister. She's the younger sister of the girl in the previous photos. Written in German on the back is: "For Lauren from Barbara", 1928

Playing the guitar at Christmas



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