A blend of science fiction and noir detective fiction, Blade Runner (1982) was a box office and critical bust upon its initial exhibition, but its unique postmodern production design became hugely influential within the sci-fi genre, and the film gained a significant cult following that increased its stature.
A massive gallery of behind-the-scenes Blade Runner slides has been uploaded to the internet, revealing a teeny, tiny world of space blimps and flying cars, all crafted with special care and beautiful attention to detail.
Take a look at the dystopian miniatures, each tiny car hand painted with future dirt from riding clouds stuffed with future smog. There's even a tiny version of Yellow Flame Sushi, which is infinitely taller and larger than we imagined it would be.
(Images: minicity's Imgur, via io9)
A massive gallery of behind-the-scenes Blade Runner slides has been uploaded to the internet, revealing a teeny, tiny world of space blimps and flying cars, all crafted with special care and beautiful attention to detail.
Take a look at the dystopian miniatures, each tiny car hand painted with future dirt from riding clouds stuffed with future smog. There's even a tiny version of Yellow Flame Sushi, which is infinitely taller and larger than we imagined it would be.
(Images: minicity's Imgur, via io9)