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June 15, 2018

42 Found Photos That Capture Everyday Life of China in 1921

These found photos from motohakone who bought at a flea market in Cannes, France in 1982. Photos were taken by a French speaking person when he made a trip to China (Shanghai, Suzhou, and Beijing) in October 1921.

Take a look.

Rickshaw man drinking tea

Songjiang Square Pagoda (near Shanghai)

Spinning wheel

Street barber

Street circus artists

Sword swallower

Three Chinese women

Travelling food seller

Travelling monks

Twin Pagodas, Suzhou

Umbrella mender

Wheelbarrow man, Shanghai

Women weaving

Yu Garden in Shanghai


Buddhist monk


Carrying geese to Shanghai Market

Child in front of the yard

Chinese children

Cormorant fisherman

Countryman selling sugar cane

Countrymen in winter dresses

Craftsman drilling a hole

Curing an ear, Peking

Heckling of flax

Junks on the sea

Large dolls on wheels

Man in traditional dress

Man with chopsticks

Men playing chess

Method of warming hand and feet with charcoal stoves

Native cooks

Native girl in Peking

Old man with (opium)? pipe

Outside nursery garden, Suzhou

Pagoda by the sea

Pavillon by the water

Peep show box

Portrait of a Chinese family

Portrait of a monk

Portrait of an old man



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