These found photos from gt_hawk63 that show how everyday life of Canada (mostly Ontario) looked like from over 100 years ago.
Three yong women at the river |
Through a sea of grain |
Two Canadian men after harvesting, Culloden, Ontario |
Two farm girls in Culloden, Ontario |
Two horses, two men and one wagon |
Wheels and the man |
A boy and his car |
A happy day, London, Ontario |
A man, a boy, and a buggy |
A stern-wheeler, Dundas, Ontario |
Boy riding on his bicycle, Culloden, Ontario |
Buzzing firewood |
Canoes at the boathouse on the lake, possibly from the Muskokas or Lake Simcoe |
Crossing on the ferry |
Down on the farm, somewhere in Toronto |
Farm girls in Culloden, Ontario |
Feeding the ducks at home, possibly in Goderich or Blyth area of Huron County, Ontario, |
Four horse hitch and binder |
Frank Hyde's Drug Store, probably in Woodstock, Ontario |
George's wagon |
Heffron's Meat Market and the office of Thomas Code, Blyth, Ontario |
Horse and buggy days |
Horses and men, probably father and son |
Lunenburg dockside |
Merry men in Sarnia, Ontario |
Mother and daughter pose in front of their automobile |
Office work |
On the job |
On the rocks |
Parade in Sarnia, Ontario |
Prairie prosperity, Dundas, Ontario |
Railway through town |
Raising the roof, somewhere in Southwestern Ontario |
Rock and read |
Seven men and a log cabin |
Straight home young man |
Summer idyll |
Taking a break, Woodstock, Ontario |
Taking a break |
The brick makers |
The division of labour, somewhere in Southern Ontario |
The farm family on holiday, probably Northern Ontario or the West |
The homeowners, somewhere in Southern Ontario |
The picnic |
The plow jockey |
The shanty in the bush |
The Vienna Band, Vienna, Ontario |
Three couples in a cart, possibly in Goderich or Blyth area of Huron County, Ontario |
Three men and a child |
Three men in a buggy, probably father and sons |