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March 19, 2018

37 Color Photos That Capture City Life of New York in the 1970s

These fascinating photos from nick dewolf photo archive that capture city life of New York in the 1970s.

Times Square

Times Square

Times Square

Wall Street

West Side Waterfront

5th Avenue

42nd street

Anti-war grafitti, Lower Manhattan

Bowery Diamond Exchange, Chinatown

Cedar Street, Financial District

Cedar Street, Financial District

Chinatown crosswalk

Chinatown, Lower Manhattan

City arts mural, 130 Madison Street

Columbus Park, Chinatown

Corner of Hester Street and Centre Street

East 34th Street and 2nd Avenue

Greenwich Village

Little Italy, Lower Manhattan

Midtown Manhattan

Midtown Manhattan

Midtown Manhattan

Midtown Manhattan

Midtown Manhattan

Midtown Manhattan

Midtown Manhattan

Midtown Manhattan

Mulberry Street

Mulberry Street

Musicians at Battery Park

New York subway

SoHo, Manhattan

SoHo, Manhattan

SoHo-canal flea market, 369 Canal Street

Street scenes of New York

Street scenes of New York

Subway entrance, Lower Manhattan



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