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November 30, 2016

17 Fascinating Black and White Photos of Youthful Hollywood Star Audrey Hepburn Exploring London's Parks in 1950

During the spring of 1950, Hepburn was relatively unknown to the world. She didn’t become globally famous until she was 24, with the starring role in movie Roman Holiday.

These rare, fascinating pictures show Hepburn three years earlier, on the cusp of super-stardom. They were taken by Picture Post magazine photographer Bert Hardy when she worked as a chorus girl for production Sauce Piquante in London’s West End.

Hardy shot them in London’s Kew Gardens and Richmond Park for a feature called "We Take A Girl To Look For Spring". The images reveal how, even at this early age, Hepburn had true star quality, with seductive looks and a magnetic, coquettish personality.



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